Friday, September 14, 2012

Living the Covenant - Stewardship Covenant

When we join the United Methodist Church we promise to uphold the church by our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and our witness that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. This is our membership covenant. Life as a Steward is how we live out that covenant. Hence the name of this exercise, Living the Covenant

A covenant is an agreement,  between two entities of unequal power. In a covenant there are two agreements. Each party agrees to carry out certain things, the one of lesser power agrees to do their part, the one of greater power agrees to be faithful to the covenant, and to support the one of lesser power. Our membership agreement is not just a contract or an obligation on our part, it is an agreement is which we make promises to God and God makes promises to us - a covenant.
This symbol is a representation of our membership covenant. Through the months of the church calendar and liturgy, there is emphasis on different aspects of the covenant. In this representation, there is emphasis on the prayer quadrant.  At the center is the word witness. We experience God's grace, we are witnesses. We share that grace with the world, we act as witnesses.

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